Los Angeles Times, Fresno Bee, Bakersfield Californian, Pasadena Star News, San Bernardino Sun, and others say NO on 98
Read the Editorials
Total NO on 98 Editorials: 21 and growing...
Los Angeles Times: “No on 98, Yes on 99” May 12, 2008
“Statewide abolition of rent control must not sneak its way onto the books as a hidden addendum to an ostensible eminent domain reform. Including it in Proposition 98 is cynical and devious -- and reason enough to reject the measure.”
Fresno Bee: “Vote no on Proposition 98, yes on 99” May 11, 2008
Prop. 98 “deserves to go down in flames... Proposition 98 is a poster child for all that's wrong with California's initiative system... [Prop. 98] is so larded up with special interest goodies and poorly written language that it could take years, and millions of taxpayer dollars, for the courts to sort it all out.”
Bakersfield Californian: “No on Prop. 98, Yes on 99” May 9, 2008
“Prop. 98 would unquestionably lead to an avalanche of lawsuits involving government, developers and landowners, with taxpayers signing the checks.”
San Bernardino Sun: “No on Prop. 98, yes on Prop. 99” May 12, 2008
“... Proposition 98 would bring a tsunami of lawsuits against public agencies, and you know who could pick up the tab – you, the taxpayer.”
Pasadena Star News: “We recommend a ‘no’ vote on Proposition 98 June 3.” May 7, 2008
“If we are to have a statewide debate on rent control, let's have it out in the open without such deceptive nomenclature.”
Vacaville Reporter: “No on 98” May 7, 2008
Prop. 98 “would impose so many new restrictions that it could severely undermine planning and zoning regulations throughout the state and open up endless lawsuits. No wonder the No on 98 campaign has the backing of a broad coalition that includes the governor, the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Building Industry, the California Labor Federation, the AARP, the League of California Homeowners and the Sierra Club”
San Luis Obispo Tribune: “Too many flaws in Props. 98” May 8, 2008
“Are apartment owners and mobile-home park owners so desperate to undermine rent control that they have to prey on public fears about eminent domain?”
List of No on 98 editorials so far:
Bakersfield Californian (5/9/08)
Contra Costa Times (5/4/08)
Fresno Bee (5/11/08)
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (5/12/08)
Lompoc Record (5/12/08)
Los Angeles Times (5/12/08)
North County Times (5/11/08)
Pasadena Star News (5/7/08)
Riverside Press Enterprise (5/1/08)
San Bernardino Sun (5/12/08)
San Diego Union Tribune (4/23/08)
San Francisco Bay Guardian (4/30/08)
San Francisco Chronicle (5/4/08)
San Gabriel Valley Tribune (5/7/08)
San Luis Obispo (5/8/08)
Santa Cruz Sentinel (5/5/08)
Tulare Advance Register (5/8/08)
Visalia Times Delta (5/8/08)
Vacaville Reporter (5/7/08)
Whittier Daily News (5/7/08)
Woodland Daily Democrat (5/8/08)

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